Amran governorate
Amran governorate witnessed a successful and pioneering experiment by the PWP that transformed hundreds of unemployed women to productive families with income generating projects that have had positive impacts on improvement of livelihood for many families that were suffering poverty and unemployment.
Good fruit:
The productive families project in Amran city is a good fruit of PWP intervention in upgrading women›s qualification and a successful experiment achieving positive impact on many families as stated by Aman Allah Al-Dhabari one of the graduates of the center in the field of sewing top-notch belts. Similarly there are tens of women who became producers of income generation handicrafts that realized livelihood prosperity to their families.
This sector has proved extremely successful in transforming livelihoods of important segments of the society who were complaining from marginalization and deprivation such as women and persons with special needs to be active and productive elements after being sufferers of poverty and need.
Through its interventions in the vocational training and social affairs, PWP was able to qualify workforce especially among women through giving them income generation skills and crafts.
The planning process to integrate gender issues and women in the interventions, development programs and projects requires understanding the different social roles, responsibilities and activities of women and men, as such differences result in different needs whether practical or strategic, where in the past attention was focused on the society without giving any consideration to this difference and as a result the role of women is mostly disregarded in the development process despite the fact that their participation is a principal pillar.
To strengthen that participation, attention must be given to the different roles of men and women and the different relations and interactions between those prevalent relations and roles. This grasp is the cause behind the strong attention to the gender which simply means realizing that in each environment the needs and roles of men and women are different.
Women often are prohibited from attending village meetings or if permitted, they have no right to talk and even when this prohibition is traditional rather than official this must be taken into consideration and what happens mostly is that women authorized to participate in such meetings are not representatives of all the local women and hence it is necessary to be aware of such facts. In each segment of a participant groups we need to think in the specific roles and needs of men and women.
It is important to encourage and increase women participation and the challenge here is how to attract women to participate in the issues of concern to them and seeking to solve those problems instead of inciting them. Again, and based on customs and traditions in each environment the methods of establishing communication and participation will be different as it is often necessary to deal first with men and then bring the women groups and discuss matters with them.
Finally, these considerations related to men and women and their roles and specific needs are also valid for application when dealing with the youth of each sex separately as for example there is a clear difference between the roles and needs of girls and those of the elder women.