The population in the area of Atab, Seihout - Al-Mahra governorate - suffers from a poverty and poor living conditions. It is one of the poorest neighborhoods due to the absence of a stable source of income. The region suffers from water shortage and lack of safe sources of water which contributed in the spread of a polluted environment affect individuals, especially women, and children and sometimes it cause child mortality and lack of personal hygiene.
A benefit in the citizen's reality.
The intervention of Public Works Project in the Atab area, through the implementation of a water reservoir, will provide the necessary drinking water for the local population, reduce the suffering of the people in bringing water and provide women with an opportunity to educate and raise children.
And contributing to the preservation of the personal health and public health of the region and reduce the spread of viral diseases due to the lack of clean water leading to the spread of viral diseases and the reduction of the number of deaths caused by the tripling of water, as well as providing jobs for food vendors (cooking with clean water and cleaning). Thus improving the living conditions of individuals, and saving the money spent in purchasing water to support the family in its necessary needs.
The project will mainly help women and alleviate their suffering in bringing water, by providing adequate time to care for the home and children and caring for their cleanliness, and to provide clean water sources for livestock, creating work environment to improve the living conditions of the family in this impoverished neighborhood.
It can be said that the project will contribute to the elimination of disease infections and to the creation of jobs based on the provision and sustainability of clean water in animal husbandry, food production which will contribute to improving the economic situation and reducing unemployment, crime, vacancy, migration and other negative impacts on slums.