No words can describe the needs of the people of Ahwar for water. Ahwar is located in the Governorate of Abyan. When the PWP’s social worker went to the field to make a needs assessment, she repeatedly heard everyone stressing the need for a tower-tank and a pipe-line to transport water from the well, which is located in the outskirts.
Location of the Tower-Tank
According to Salimayn Fahd, residents had originally identified the site for the construction of the tank through mutual agreement. When the contractor started digging the ground for the foundation, he uncovered an unpleasant surprise for the residents: the site had been pre-viously used as a cesspit for waste water, which makes it unsuitable for the project. This dashed the resident’s hopes and their long wait for such a project seemed to have been in vain. Now, it seemed that a solution for their water problem was no longer at hand and their dream was vanishing into thin air.
Salimayn added: “the PWP Management gave the residents another change. They had to come up with an alternative site for the construction of the tower-tank within a week. If they couldn’t come up with an alternative location, the sub-project would be taken else-where. However, the dire need for water made one of the residents come up with a rescue plan. The man was a good Samaritan who puts the public interest above his own. He gen-erously donated his own home as a location for the construction of the tower-tank. Such a generous move brought back joy of the residents and a happy ending. Ultimately, the tow-er-tank was built and clean water started flowing into the home of the residents of the area.