Faisal Zayed is a resident of Aber-Bader village of the District of Tuban in the Governorate of Lahj, and a farmer. He expresses his happiness to see the school he studied in being rehabilitated, after it went through years of neglect leading people to shy away from motivating their children to attend classes regularly.
Faisal Zayed says: "Ever since the school was built two decades ago, it was not maintained or rehabilitated. Under the current circumstances, the school was used as a shelter for the internally displaced, and used for functions other than education. The school became merely a building that was called a school, but served a totally different function. Residents and their children together lost interest in the so called education, because the existing educational environment was frustrating and discouraging."
Increased Attention
The farmer, Faisal Zayed explains the state of impoverishment and hardships suffered by the villagers in Aber-Bader village who rely totally on agriculture for their livelihoods. He also spoke about how the rehabilitation of the school revived hopes among the residents, making them feel that someone still cares, and genuinely interested in extending a helping hand to alleviate their hardships.